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L'Artisan du coin

L'Artisan du coin

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Min order value for this shop is £16

Walton Street, London, SW3 2

L'Artisan du Coin is a French bistro located in Knightsbridge, London. The menu features classic French dishes such as quiche, croque monsieur, and beef bourguignon. The restaurant also offers a variety of crep... More
L'Artisan du Coin is a French bistro located in Knightsbridge, London. The menu features classic French dishes such as quiche, croque monsieur, and beef bourguignon. The restaurant also offers a variety of crepes for those looking for a sweet treat. Less
Get it delivered to your door.

8:00 AM – 2:00 AM

  • Frequently asked questions

    • Yes. L'Artisan du coin delivery is available on Uber Eats in London.

    • Enter your address to see if L'Artisan du coin delivery is available to your location in London.

    • There are 2 ways to place an order on Uber Eats: on the app or online using the Uber Eats website. After you’ve looked over the L'Artisan du coin menu, simply choose the items you’d like to order and add them to your cart. Next, you’ll be able to review, place and track your order.

    • View upfront pricing information for the various items offered by L'Artisan du coin here on this page.

    • To save money on the delivery, consider getting an Uber One membership, if available in your area, as one of its rewards is a £0 delivery fee on select orders.

    • Payment is handled via your Uber Eats account.

    • If you’re in need of some suggestions for your L'Artisan du coin order, check out the items showcased in “Picked for you” on this page.

ALLERGIES: If you or someone you're ordering for has an allergy, please contact the merchant directly to let them know. L'Artisan du coin has a FHRS rating of 5. This information was updated on 29/11/2024. The current rating is on their page on the FSA Website. Adults need around 2000 kcal a day.