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4.5 xStar (410+)MexicanSouth AmericanNew Mexican$Info

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85 Whiteladies Road

Batida, located in the Cliftonne area of Bristol, is a Mexican eatery favoured for its evening service, boasting a customer rating of 4.2. The menu at Batida features a variety of hearty Mexican and Latin-inspi... More
Batida, located in the Cliftonne area of Bristol, is a Mexican eatery favoured for its evening service, boasting a customer rating of 4.2. The menu at Batida features a variety of hearty Mexican and Latin-inspired dishes, including burritos, loaded fries, and a selection of burgers and sandwiches. Popular items among patrons include the Meal Deal and Asado Chicken Tacos, with the Cuban Sandwich Meal and Meal Deal frequently ordered together. For those with a sweet tooth, the dessert options, such as Churros and Dulce de Leche Cheesecake, are a delightful finish to any meal. Less
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Sunday - Monday
Tuesday - Wednesday

17:00 - 20:30


12:00 - 20:30

Friday - Saturday

12:00 - 21:30


5:00 PM – 8:30 PM

ALLERGIES: If you or someone you're ordering for has an allergy, please contact the merchant directly to let them know. Batida has a FHRS rating of 5. This information was updated on 19/01/2025. The current rating is on their page on the FSA Website. Adults need around 2000 kcal a day.