Via Del Gusto 28
4.5 x (26) • CHF 12 Fee • Italian • Sandwiches • Tuscan • $$ • Info
x Delivered by store staff
Lagerstrasse 28
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CHF 12 Fee
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12:00 - 19:00
10:00 - 19:15
10:00 - 21:15
Featured items
- Focaccia TricoloreCHF 15.90Pesto, Fior di Latte, frische Tomaten und Olivenöl.Popular
- Focaccia ParmaCHF 18.90Parmaschinken, Büffelmozzarella, Rucola, Balsamico-Essig und Tomaten
.Popular - Focaccia CottoCHF 17.90Schinken, Stracciatella, getrocknete Tomaten, Artischocken Creme und Olivenöl.
- Focaccia PiccanteCHF 18.90Scharfe Salami, Provolone, gegrilltes Gemüse, getrocknete Tomaten und Rucola.Popular
- Focaccia SalameCHF 17.90Salami, Scamorza, Olivencreme und Rucola.
- Focaccia ProteicaCHF 18.90Bresaola, Parmesan, gegrilltes Gemüse und Rucola.
- Focaccia MortazzaCHF 18.90Mortadella, Stracciatella und zerbröckelte Pistazien.Popular
- Focaccia VegetarianaCHF 16.90Gorgonzola, gegrilltes Gemüse, getrocknete Tomaten und Rucola.Vegetarisch.
- Focaccia TartufonaCHF 19.90Trüffelkäse, Trüffelsalami, Stracciatella, Steinpilz und Rucola.
- Focaccia Pistacchiosa (Süss)CHF 13.90Pistaziencreme von Marco Colzani.
- Focaccia Nutellosa (Süss)CHF 13.90Haselnusscreme con Marco Colzani.
- Create Your Own FocacciaCHF 10.00
- Focaccia SupremaCHF 23.90Parmaschinken - Stracciatella - Steinpilz - Getrocknete Tomaten - Olivencreme - Rucola
- Focaccia CoppaCHF 19.90Scamorza - Coppa aus Parma - Getrocknete Tomaten - Olivencreme - Rucola
- Focaccia Cotto2CHF 17.90Büffelmozzarella - Schinken - Steinpilz - Rucola
- Focaccia PecorinoCHF 19.90Parmaschinken - Pecorino - Getrocknete Tomaten - Artischockencreme - Rucola
- XXLCHF 39.90Doppiette Brot, 2 Fleischsorten - 2 Käsesorten, 2 Beilagen und Rucola - Nach Wahl des Chefs
- Focaccia Vegetariana2CHF 18.90Büffelmozzarella, Steinpilz, Olivencreme, Tomaten und Rucola
- Focaccia SpecialCHF 20.90Scamorza - Parmaschinken - Pistaziencreme - Pistazien - Rucola
Can I order Via Del Gusto 28 delivery in Zurich with Uber Eats?
Yes. Via Del Gusto 28 delivery is available on Uber Eats in Zurich.
Is Via Del Gusto 28 delivery available near me?
Enter your address to see if Via Del Gusto 28 delivery is available to your location in Zurich.
How do I order Via Del Gusto 28 delivery online in Zurich?
There are 2 ways to place an order on Uber Eats: on the app or online using the Uber Eats website. After you’ve looked over the Via Del Gusto 28 menu, simply choose the items you’d like to order and add them to your cart. Next, you’ll be able to review, place, and track your order.
Where can I find Via Del Gusto 28 online menu prices?
View upfront pricing information for the various items offered by Via Del Gusto 28 here on this page.
How do I get free delivery on my Via Del Gusto 28 order?
To save money on the delivery, consider getting an Uber One membership, if available in your area, as one of its perks is a $0 Delivery Fee on select orders.
How do I pay for my Via Del Gusto 28 order?
Payment is handled via your Uber Eats account.