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Uber One
Rides and delivery, together
$9.99/mo or $99.99/yr
Sign in to join
$0 Delivery Fee on eligible food, groceries, and more
5% off eligible deliveries and pickup orders
Top-rated drivers on rides
Cancel without fees or penalties
Save $22 every month
Amount you could save based on average savings of members in your country from promos and member pricing.
*Benefits available only for eligible stores marked with the Uber One icon. $15 minimum order to receive $0 Delivery Fee and 5% off from eligible restaurants, and $40 minimum on eligible grocery and non-restaurant stores to receive $0 Delivery Fee, where available. 5% off does not apply to grocery and other non-restaurant orders. Taxes and fees, if applicable, do not apply to order minimums. 5% back on rides benefit does not apply to cancellation fees. Estimated savings do not include subscription price. Benefits only apply in Canada.
View terms and conditions.