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Fresh Tea 熊貓嚴選茶
- Honey Green Tea 蜂蜜 綠茶$5.70Refreshing Jasmine Green Tea with an added touch of our made in-house honey. 茉莉綠茶與龍眼蜜的搭配,中和了綠茶的苦澀,保留了茉莉的清香,甜而不膩
- Wintermelon Tea 冬瓜茶$6.20Wintermelon or White Gourd. Classic oriental melon with a caramelized flavour. 來自台灣的古早味冰飲,使用精心熬煮的冬瓜醬調製出的冬瓜茶,清熱解暑
- Jasmine Fresh Green Tea 茉莉綠茶$5.20Freshly brewed tea leaves. Floral and fragrant aroma of the Jasmine Fresh Green Tea. 與茉莉花窨製而成的茉莉綠茶,行氣解郁,提氣安神
- Classic Black Tea 經典紅茶$5.20Robust and structured notes of Classic Black Tea. Freshly brewed from loosen leaf. 經典紅茶香氣迷人,茶味濃郁,紅茶清飲,喉韻甜潤
- Oolong Green Tea 烏龍綠茶$5.70Smoky aroma from our premium Oolong Tea leaves 琥珀色的烏龍茶湯濃厚甘醇,略帶果香,苦中帶甘
- Honey Black Tea 蜂蜜 紅茶$5.70Full-bodied Classic Black Tea flavour with a touch of our made in-house honey. 龍眼蜜與經典紅茶的完美結合,唇齒留香
Tasty Milk Tea 熊貓奶茶
- Bubble milk tea 珍珠奶茶$6.20 • 100% (13)Our most popular drink! Bubbles are added to our Panda Milk Tea. A portion of bubbles included. 濃郁絲滑的奶茶加入嚼勁十足的Q彈珍珠,打造出的經典飲品
- Taro milk tea 芋香奶茶$6.20Flavourful and robust taro taste to your loved milk tea. Panda Tea 特有的芋香奶茶,精選熬煮的芋頭醬,搭配上經典奶茶,口感豐富,味道濃郁Popular
- Panda milk green tea 茉香奶綠$5.70 • 100% (3)Our jasmine milk green tea, brewed from fragrant jasmine green tea leaf paired with our creamy coffee whitener. It's a delicate alternative. 在保留奶茶絲滑口感的同時,若隱若現的茉莉清香在口中躍動,回味無窮
- Panda Oolong milk tea 烏龍奶茶$6.20Smoky aroma of the oolong tea leaves added with creaminess of the coffee whitener. A hint of toastiness drink. 匠心烘焙的烏龍奶茶,奶香細緻濃郁,甜蜜中凸顯出一抹煙熏的烏龍香氣
- Coffee milk tea 鴛鴦奶茶$6.20The best of both worlds: smooth and creamy signature milk tea with the bold taste of expresso coffee. 咖啡的苦與紅茶的澀混合,卻產生了喜人的新口感,棕紅濃香,苦中帶甘,柔厚如緞
- Oreo Chip milk tea 奧利奧奶茶$6.20 • 100% (3)A sweet combination of our signature Panda Milk Tea with oreo chip crumbs. 奧利奧愛好者的必選,奧利奧給奶茶提供了更豐富的口感,給您更多層次的味覺體驗
- Bubble milk green tea 珍珠奶綠$6.20The delicate Panda Milk Green Tea added with our chewy tapioca bubbles. A portion of bubbles included. 茉香充盈的奶綠配上嚼勁十足的Q彈珍珠,每一口都回味無窮
- Pudding milk tea 布丁奶茶$6.20Creamy egg pudding paired with our signature Panda Milk Tea for a flavourful combination. Pudding included. 蛋香濃郁,口感順滑的布丁搭配原味奶茶,是和得到的滿足
- 3Q Milk Green Tea 3Q 奶綠$6.95Our 3Q milk green tea brings you triple the joy: Panda Milk Green Tea added with bubbles, herbal jelly and pudding. 珍珠,仙草和布丁的絕妙搭配, 給您3倍的幸福滋味。
- 3Q Milk Tea 3Q 奶茶$6.95Our 3Q milk tea brings you triple the joy: Panda Milk Tea added with bubbles, herbal jelly and pudding. 珍珠,仙草和布丁的絕妙搭配, 給您3倍的幸福滋味。
- Coconut milk tea 椰香奶茶$6.20 • 100% (5)A hint of coconut creaminess on our signature Panda Milk Tea. 充滿南國風情的椰香與茶香的精心搭配,茶味回甘,椰香四溢
- Taro Balls Milk Tea 芋圓奶茶$6.95Taro Balls are added to our Panda Milk Tea. A portion of Taro Balls included. 濃郁絲滑的奶茶加入嚼勁十足的芋圓,打造出的經典飲品Popular
- Taro Balls Milk Green Tea 芋圓奶綠 2$6.95Taro Balls are added to our Panda Milk Green Tea. A portion of Taro Balls included. 茉香充盈的奶綠配上嚼勁十足的芋圓,每一口都回味無窮
- Coconut milk green tea 椰香奶綠$6.20Coconut flavour is accentuated on our delicate Panda Milk Green tea. 椰香濃郁,口感順滑獨特,椰香中多了一抹茉莉的清新,少了些許茶的苦澀,清新消暑
Fruit Tea 熊貓鮮果茶
Fresh Milk 熊貓鮮奶
Slush 熊貓冰沙
Cloud Cheezu 奶蓋系列
Can I order Panda Tea (Polo Park) delivery in Winnipeg with Uber Eats?
Yes. Panda Tea (Polo Park) delivery is available on Uber Eats in Winnipeg.
Is Panda Tea (Polo Park) delivery available near me?
Enter your address to see if Panda Tea (Polo Park) delivery is available to your location in Winnipeg.
How do I order Panda Tea (Polo Park) delivery online in Winnipeg?
There are 2 ways to place an order on Uber Eats: on the app or online using the Uber Eats website. After you’ve looked over the Panda Tea (Polo Park) menu, simply choose the items you’d like to order and add them to your cart. Next, you’ll be able to review, place, and track your order.
Where can I find Panda Tea (Polo Park) online menu prices?
View upfront pricing information for the various items offered by Panda Tea (Polo Park) here on this page.
How do I get free delivery on my Panda Tea (Polo Park) order?
To save money on the delivery, consider getting an Uber One membership, if available in your area, as one of its perks is a $0 Delivery Fee on select orders.
How do I pay for my Panda Tea (Polo Park) order?
Payment is handled via your Uber Eats account.
What’s the best thing to order for Panda Tea (Polo Park) delivery in Winnipeg?
If you’re in need of some suggestions for your Panda Tea (Polo Park) order, check out the items showcased in “Picked for you” on this page.