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Mr. Sub (7441 Roper Rd. N.W.)

Mr. Sub (7441 Roper Rd. N.W.)

4.4 xStar (260+)AmericanSandwichesSalads$Info

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7441 Roper Rd. N.W. Edmonton, AB T6B 3K9

Mr. Sub (7441 Roper Rd. N.W.) in Edmontonne specialises in a wide variety of sandwiches, offering everything from classic subs like the Large Pizza Sub and Large Turkey Sub to more unique options such as the La... More
Mr. Sub (7441 Roper Rd. N.W.) in Edmontonne specialises in a wide variety of sandwiches, offering everything from classic subs like the Large Pizza Sub and Large Turkey Sub to more unique options such as the Large Double Stacked Smoked Meat Sub and Large Ultimate Club Sub. The restaurant is particularly popular for its Large RWA - Assorted Sub and the Large RWA - Assorted Sub Combo, which are favourites among Uber Eats users along with Cookies and Chocolate Milk that are often ordered together. Their menu also features a range of combos, kids’ meals, and sides like chips and brownies, catering to a broad array of tastes and preferences. Less
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11:00 a.m. - 6:15 p.m.

Monday - Friday

10:00 a.m. - 8:15 p.m.


11:00 a.m. - 6:15 p.m.


10:00 AM – 8:15 PM
