1000+ évaluations
4.5 x (1,000+) • Déjeuner et brunch • Cuisine américaine • Sandwichs • Hamburgers • Informations
x Livraison non disponible
7203 Boulevard Newman, LaSalle, QC H8N 2K3
1000+ évaluations
"I will definitely be ordering again amd also come to location for in dinning !!! You guys made my son's 19th birthday brunch very special!"
"The Petinos potatoes are as good as when you get to sit at the restaurant! Delicious"
x Frais de livraison à $0
nouveaux clients
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pour voir l'heure de livraison
6 h 00 - 14 h 45
•1000+ évaluations •
17 commentaires
No matter what Petinos is the best EVERYTIME
Waffles are amazing
Pancakes are very good.
I will definitely be ordering again amd also come to location for in dinning !!! You guys made my son's 19th birthday brunch very special!
My mom loved the food. Food was delivered in a timely manner and as instructed.
Très bon rien a dire
Always the best eggs benny!
The Petinos potatoes are as good as when you get to sit at the restaurant! Delicious
Amazing food , highly recommend !
Delicious food big portions
Food is always delicious from Petino's.
Fried chicken poutine was incredibly rich. Easy 9/10.
always good
Always fresh and delicious
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