5000+ évaluations
4.5 x (5,000+) • Family Meals • Alcool • Poulet • Haute cuisine • Group Friendly • Sandwichs • Cuisine américaine • Steaks • Hamburgers • Hamburgers • $$ • Informations
3839 Boul Saint-Jean, Dollard-Des-Ormeaux, Qc H9G
5000+ évaluations
"The food was amazing (it always is). Always an enjoyable meal. The portions are amazing. Well made. Happy customer (going in 15-20 years eating from Baton Rouge, customer for life)"
"Great food and portions. Baton Rouge is the epitome of comfort food. Great value for your money. Been a happy customer for years now"
x Frais de livraison à $0
nouveaux clients
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pour voir l'heure de livraison
11 h 15 - 22 h 45
•5000+ évaluations •
53 commentaires
Very good
very tasty
delicious food
Wonderfully prepared, as always! Thank you!
Nourriture excellente
food very good and had asked to be generous with the fries and they where.
Fatantisc ribs!
good food bro idk
Great flavour
good food
Best ribs in Montreal hands down
So delicious!
What more can be said? Amazing food, great food, classic comfort food across the board. favorite restaurant
the peppercorn gravy should be sold by the tub load
Baton Rouge is the ultimate comfort food for me. I truly adore this restaurant. Great food, portions, all of it. amazing
Really like their Louisiana salad
Best ribs hands down!
Love their salmon
Great food and portions. Baton Rouge is the epitome of comfort food. Great value for your money. Been a happy customer for years now
Best ribs
Delicious food
I love the food here especially the grilled salmon with sweet potatoe fries… delicious!!
Awesome Food
always good
good steak, chicken tenders, and peppercorn gravy!!!!
A1 good job guys maybe I’m just too high but Damb that food was good
Best mashed potatoes. Succulent ribs
The food was amazing (it always is). Always an enjoyable meal. The portions are amazing. Well made. Happy customer (going in 15-20 years eating from Baton Rouge, customer for life)
Always tasty
It is very good
It's the first REAL and HOT meal I've had in months, and it made me feel at home.
They are my go to restaurant. Know the staff well.
Food was good
C'était bon!
The best sea bass I’ve ever had; char grilled with cauliflower rice.
the ribs are fantastic!
The ribs melted in your mouth. Large portions. Don’t mind paying a bit more for great food and leftovers!
Good stuff
Never go wrong with their ribs
Fabulous food
Delicious, as always.
Love the Thai salad is so fresh and delicious!
always good 👍
Excellent food! Steak was one of the best I have had in some time!
Very tasty, one of the best one to order in terms of delievery
always following notes, fresh yummy food, good portions, fair prices
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