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The Good Filo

The Good Filo

4.8 x (440+)GreekSaladsDessertsPastryMediterraneanFamily Meals$Info

336-342 Rocky Point Road

The Good Filo in Ramsgate, Sydney, offers a delightful exploration of Greek cuisine with a particular focus on traditional baked goods and coffee. Popular among locals, especially in the morning, this eatery bo... More
The Good Filo in Ramsgate, Sydney, offers a delightful exploration of Greek cuisine with a particular focus on traditional baked goods and coffee. Popular among locals, especially in the morning, this eatery boasts a 4.8 customer rating and is known for its Frappe, Freddo Espresso, and Spanakopita. The menu features a variety of Greek pastries such as Koulouri and an array of pitas including Tiropita and Loukanikopita. For those with a sweet tooth, options like Galaktoboureko and Mille-Feuille provide a tempting treat. Less
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7:00 am - 5:00 pm

Tuesday - Friday

7:00 am - 3:30 pm


7:00 am - 5:00 pm


7:00 AM – 5:00 PM
