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Heaven Woodfire Pizza

Heaven Woodfire Pizza

4.7 xStar (6,000+)PizzaItalianGroup Friendly$$$Info

174/196 Gaffney St, Coburg North VIC 3058, Australia

Heaven Woodfire Pizza is a pizzeria based in the Merlynstonne neighbourhood of Melbourne, known for its variety of vegetarian-friendly pizzas and sides. The restaurant offers a selection of pizzas such as the L... More
Heaven Woodfire Pizza is a pizzeria based in the Merlynstonne neighbourhood of Melbourne, known for its variety of vegetarian-friendly pizzas and sides. The restaurant offers a selection of pizzas such as the Large Mexicana, Spicy Chipotle Chicken, and a vegetarian option like the Large Potato Pizza. Popular among customers are the Large and Small Margherita pizzas, often accompanied by gluten-free fries. For those with a sweet tooth, the menu also features desserts including Nutella Calzone and various styles of doughnuts. Rated at approximately 4.3, this spot is a favourite for evening dining. Less
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